Opinion: Dingo in Limbo(1)
The three skill sets that have dealt you a blow unnoticed are content creation, activism, and politics put together as one. It masks itself as a rescue mission but thwarts your mind to less but hyped awareness. Those who have used them in the immediate past eventually emerged as their political party spokespersons, but they were never sustainable. It can take so many years for their followers to realize that they were just used as a means to an end. One thing is sure, no matter how long it takes, the ulterior motives surely surface.
A follower of an influencer using content creation, activism, and politics together is like a giant caught up with the admirations of the sun's dimming light, constantly positioning himself to get a full glimpse of what is happening in the sky from sunrise to sunset. At sunset, he realized he hadn't gone to work and had to sleep on an empty stomach.
A key content of this skill set put together as the tool is to sway emotions to remain a fellow every four years until the ball arrives in their court. You can argue but you can't change the historical facts about it. The today's forgotten influencers and political activists who used these tools were with the crowd yesterday. What changed is that at some point, their ulterior motives emerged, and the followers met their sunset with empty stomachs. One thing is obvious. It's that history repeats itself. If you have anyone using these tools around you today, just wait and see the sunset. It's then you'll know that you are not in the budget. You are just a tool to an end. Their periodic free gifs are just capital investment to keep you in tune.
As much as you can, get busy with things that matter most to your future and your career and the mega Cash (Yes, your own cash; your worth). Don't waste your data, broken screens, and precious time to train your future attack dogs. In the future, they will defend evils when it becomes an obligation to them without thinking of who gets hurt. Take charge of your own destiny. Don't sell your destiny to a utopian four-year chance. If you get old before your own favorable four years finally come, you will only wish, and will but nothing for you as wishes are not a horse.
In all, you can do better than being a spectator or audience to your future pains. It's a tool for political influence, not an expression of goodwill or love for humanity in its entirety.
Take heed, Concerned Citizen writes!
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